REACT is a wholly non-profit organization with a rapidly growing student base. We simply could not exist without the generous donations of individuals, families, and organizations within our community. If you or your organization would like to donate to or get involved with REACT, please see our contact information below to reach out to us or click the button below to donate online. Also, please consider being a coach or mentor for one of our teams or joining the REACT team itself. Whether it be a donation of time, expertise, equipment, money, or space, you can be assured your donation is needed, appreciated, and that 100% of it will go towards providing and expanding STEM opportunities for the children of Allegany County.
Contact Information:
Treasurer - Michael Fiscus Secretary - Lesa Edwards President - Barry Hartung 811 MacDonald Terrace Cumberland, MD 21502 240-920-7507 NON-PROFIT EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATION |